Delivering for clients, meeting stakeholders, building strong teams…are work tells a story.
We go where the work takes us and along the way, we listen, get involved, contribute, and build quality infrastructure.
Our stories are as vast as our projects, but two main themes are woven into our corporate record – safety and community.
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Safety and community are woven into our corporate story.
Whatever the task at hand is, we are focused on safety. As contractors, we represent your project. It is our responsibility to ensure our workers understand the job-based safety hazards, are trained, and have the required competencies for the task at hand. We train our workers to know their rights and obligations around stopping work if it feels unsafe. We care for each other, and we are our brother’s/sister’s keeper on-site.

Our project work takes us into communities for a point in-time, but we eventually leave. We are always a guest in the communities in which we work, and this carries immense responsibility to demonstrate our appreciation to the communities in which we work for allowing us to be there.
We show our gratitude through volunteering in local initiatives, contributing to charitable causes, hiring local when we can, acting as stewards of the land and overall, ensuring our impact is as light as it can be.